Saturday, 27 August 2011

Monkey Mia to Coral Bay

Hi Everyone after a great couple of days at Monkey Mia we headed for Carnarvon. We made a quick stop at Shelly Beach it was a amazing the beach was made completely of shells!

We made it to Carnarvon in the afternoon and set up our camp we went for a drive around and then caught the little tram out along One Mile Pier. It is an old pier that they used to load sheep and cattle onto the ships waiting in the harbour.

We reckon that the people in Carnarvon must be really healthy because it is the fruit and veg growing capital of WA there is heaps of banana plantations!
At night time Sam and I help Mum with the washing up Angus doesn't really help much at all!

When we have finished we usually sit up and watch a movie on the laptop! Depends on who behaves themselves as to who gets to choose the movie!!

We left Carnarvon and drove to Coral bay it is a great spot right on the beach I am not sure we are going to ever get Mum to leave here! The water is so clear and warm and there is fish and string rays everywhere, just
amazing. When we were setting up our camp a German backpacker came along and gave us a boogie board we were very lucky and took it straight to the beach!

Dad, Sam and I went snorkelling it was Sam and my first time we both reckon we have a new hobby now! It took us a little while to work it out and you have to keep the snorkle out of the water!! It was unbelieveable there are so many fish and sting rays to see and heaps of coral. My favourite fish was the parrot fish and we saw a big black cat fish with whiskers!

Here are some snorkelling men heading from back from the sea!!

Angus and mum are going to have a go at snorkelling today but I am not sure how Angus will go he might have to float on his noodle!

We are pretty excited we finally got Sam to do a video! Here he is talking about snorkelling!

Here is a random photo Dad took of a Seagull on the light not sure why!!

Well we had better go and do some more snorkelling hope you are all well will talk to you soon.

Thursday, 25 August 2011

Monkey Mia

Hi there well after our very nice Lobster dinner which Sam  and I loved (mum said we had better get good jobs if we want to eat lobster for dinner every night!) we hopped in the car and headed to Monkey Mia our first stop was Geraldton to get some food supplies and then the long 400kms to Monkey Mia. We keep ourselves busy in the car by listening to audio books and playing our ipod and also playing car cricket, it is always a fight to see who gets the white cars because there is definitely more of them! We also tell stories and Dad tells us about when he was a kid!

When we finally got to Monkey Mia we set up our camp (we are getting really good at it now!) Mum and us boys went down to the beach to have a look and were amazed to see some Dolphins right on the edge!
We woke up early the next morning and headed down to the beach to see the dolphins again and this time they fed them. There are only 5 that they feed but up to 20 come into the beach it was very cool!
Here are some pics!

They all have names and this one is called Nicky because she has a nick in her dorsal fin.

Later in the day we went on a Catarmaran tour to find the Dugongs. Dad got asked to help put the sail up and then he reckoned he was so good he could be the captain of the boat!

Here is Mum and the other boys!

Here is a Dugong!

We have had an excellent day and can't wait for tomorrow! After seeing the Dolphins in the morning we are going to head towards Carnarvon!

Tuesday, 23 August 2011

Cervantes WA

Today we are in Cervantes just 3 hrours north of Perth we are staying in the Caravan park on the beach it is really nice. We went to check out the Pinnacles today they are awesome, the man at the gate told us the Aborginal story about them, they used to tell the Aborginal boys to stay out of the desert otherwise when the wind blew they would be covered with sand and be buried as they slept, they reckon the pinnacles are the fingers of the boys who didn't listen poking out of the ground. I don't think it is a true story but Mum does!
Here are some pictures and my video.

We also went to the Lobster Shack in Cervantes where they catch heaps of Lobster and send them overseas for people to eat it was interesting and tonight we are going to eat a big Lobster we are pretty excited because the boys and I have never tried it before!

Monday, 22 August 2011


We had a great couple of days in Fremantle it was really nice to get out of the car for a while and ride our pushbikes around. We went to Fremantle harbour and had fish and chips at Joes and then went for a walk around town.there were some very cool boats in the Harbour. We saw a great sunset as well.

Here is Mum and Dad having a cuddle!

We had a great couple of days in Fremantle it was really nice to get out of the car for a while and ride our pushbikes around. We went to Fremantle harbour and had fish and chips at Joes and then went for a walk around town.there were some very cool boats in the Harbour. We saw a great sunset as well.

We had a good time but got really wet on our last night it blew a gale Dad says about 70km an hour winds and 20ml of rain. The poor old caravan was rocking all night long! The next day it was sunny so everything could dry out thank goodness!

Next stop Cervantes and the Pinnacles!


After we crossed the Nullarbor we ended up in Kalgoorlie it was great to see Scotty Mitch we stayed at a caravan park in the town. Scotty took us on a tour the next day and showed us the Super pit where they are mining gold! It was very cool, Sam and I reckon we might get jobs in the mines when we grow up! If not in the mines we think we might drive the 3 trailer trucks like Scotty does.
This is a picture of the Super pit it is right on the edge of town. We went to the Kalgoorlie Miners Hall of fame and went on a undergrounde mine tour we had to wear hard hats and Dad kept wacking his head on the roof! Pretty funny! It was an old mine that they don't use anymore and the lady told us all about how they used to mine in the old days it sounded like really hard work and so many people died and they only way they could see what they were doing was by candlelight!
 After the mine tour we had a look at one of the big trucks they use to cart the Ore to the surface. They reckon girls are the best drivers of these! Mum thinks she might get a job here too! Not sure how she would go!

We checked out Scotty's truck and then went out for dinner and then Mum took us home Dad and Scotty went to the pub. Not sure why must have been something to look at!
We said goodbye to Scotty and then headed to Fremantle!
Catch you later!

Sunday, 21 August 2011

Streaky Bay, the head of Bight and the Nullarbor

When we left Adelaide we stopped next at Streaky bay for the night it was a good spot right on the beach we had a nice dinner at the pub and talked to some of the locals.
We then did some serious miles across the Nullarbor us boys were getting pretty sick of being in the car! Dad had to tell us to quiten down a bit! It was long and so flat with absolutely nothing to see but scrub!
We stopped in at the Head of Bight which was very cool! We walked through the whale centre and saw at least 10 Southern Right whales and their calves they were just rolling around in the shallows right below the viewing platform we were amazed. Mum just loved it she thought it was the best thing she has ever seen!

Adelaide South Australia

Hi Everyone we arrived in Adelaide after driving from Broken Hill, Dad was amazed at all the crops on the way he reckons they look really good. we stayed at west Beach just near Glenelg. This is a good park lots of kids stuff but I jumped a bit hard on the jumping pillow and did my knee Mum reckons I don't need to go to the hospital but I am not sure! We had a look around Glenelg walked along the jetty and had a ride on the tram.
Here is my video this park is pretty cool because there is not as many old people walking around in their dressing gowns!! Everyone  seems to wear dressing gowns whenit gets dark and you have to wear thongs in the shower. Mum says so our toes don't fall off!! 

Broken Hill

Well we made it to Broken Hill after a quiick stop off at Hambo's front gate to ditch the home made mud flaps!! The exhaust was burning a hole in them! Had a great trip with lunch on the road dad starting to relax a bit though still a bit stressed (might be because of me!). We booked into Broken Hill City Caravan park and had fun riding our bikes all over.

Next day we had a look around Broken Hill Mum loved the Pro Hart Gallery and me, Dad and the boys thought Silverton was the best with all the mad max Stuff! Very cool. We stayed another night and then headed for Adelaide SA.