Monday, 22 August 2011


After we crossed the Nullarbor we ended up in Kalgoorlie it was great to see Scotty Mitch we stayed at a caravan park in the town. Scotty took us on a tour the next day and showed us the Super pit where they are mining gold! It was very cool, Sam and I reckon we might get jobs in the mines when we grow up! If not in the mines we think we might drive the 3 trailer trucks like Scotty does.
This is a picture of the Super pit it is right on the edge of town. We went to the Kalgoorlie Miners Hall of fame and went on a undergrounde mine tour we had to wear hard hats and Dad kept wacking his head on the roof! Pretty funny! It was an old mine that they don't use anymore and the lady told us all about how they used to mine in the old days it sounded like really hard work and so many people died and they only way they could see what they were doing was by candlelight!
 After the mine tour we had a look at one of the big trucks they use to cart the Ore to the surface. They reckon girls are the best drivers of these! Mum thinks she might get a job here too! Not sure how she would go!

We checked out Scotty's truck and then went out for dinner and then Mum took us home Dad and Scotty went to the pub. Not sure why must have been something to look at!
We said goodbye to Scotty and then headed to Fremantle!
Catch you later!

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