Tuesday, 23 August 2011

Cervantes WA

Today we are in Cervantes just 3 hrours north of Perth we are staying in the Caravan park on the beach it is really nice. We went to check out the Pinnacles today they are awesome, the man at the gate told us the Aborginal story about them, they used to tell the Aborginal boys to stay out of the desert otherwise when the wind blew they would be covered with sand and be buried as they slept, they reckon the pinnacles are the fingers of the boys who didn't listen poking out of the ground. I don't think it is a true story but Mum does!
Here are some pictures and my video.

We also went to the Lobster Shack in Cervantes where they catch heaps of Lobster and send them overseas for people to eat it was interesting and tonight we are going to eat a big Lobster we are pretty excited because the boys and I have never tried it before!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Will ! Just love it ! The video is fantastic and I can't wait to get home and show Oliver. Your reporting is A1 and we can't wait for the next update (especially the video updates !!). Dad, Sam and Angus were very good at being the 'crowd scene' in the Pinnacles. I think my favourite photo so far is the three of you boys on top of the Cruiser ! And I was devastated to hear the home made mud flaps just had to go !!! Have a great day today and look forward to logging on with Oliver tonight.
    Much love to you all
